Got so hype thinking there was a Book of the New Sun manga adaptation with Takeshi Obata as the artist but it was simply that he did the cover illustration for the japanese edition of the first book... [pensive]
Small updates and thoughts that are too short to write an entire article/diary entry about.
Got so hype thinking there was a Book of the New Sun manga adaptation with Takeshi Obata as the artist but it was simply that he did the cover illustration for the japanese edition of the first book... [pensive]
Scored the internship I wanted for the summer >:3 !!!
I think the line weight I use is too thick for my art style...
It's the last day of winter break...
I saw Wicked with my mom today, it was really good!
Winter break is finally here!
Feeling very winterpilled & snowflakemaxxed...
I am forever incapable of taking my responsibilities seriously... need to focus but I keep rebelling against myself and spending time on hobbies.
I want this semester to be over so bad dude...
It's my birthday!
Had a mini panic because I thought the federal election was tomorrow! but it's actually October 20th of next year... Phew.
The midterms never end!
Got sushi & cleaned my car today! Now I'm tired.
It's too hot...!
Visited a friend for dinner today! It was fun. Also: I'm 5 books behind on my reading goal for this year, woe is me!
Played Minecraft with my fiance! Unrelated: pillow shaded pixel art has such a cozy feel...
Did a quick 1 hour hike today (first of the season), feeling refreshed!