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I haven't written in here in months, but in my defense I've been pretty busy with other things. My second year of my degree is finished now, and I get some free time before I need to start my summer job, so I'll use it to work on my site a bit more often.
The fall semester ended well, I had an uncomfortable Christmas break as usual (Christmas sucks), and my winter semester just ended a few days ago. To be honest, I haven't been up to much that's worth writing about- mostly just studying non-stop. I've been able to draw a little here and there, and I've savoured any miniscule amount of free time that I've been allowed. Even though I've been so busy, I think my mental health has steadily improved, and I'm starting to shake off some of my quarantine-induced social awkwardness. Or maybe my awkwardness just doesn't bother me as much anymore.
One interesting event was that the new generation of Littlest Pet Shop toys were released. Back in December, a Toys R Us location in Canada started stocking them on shelves, to the surprise of many collectors. The toys were originally meant to be released in 2024, but here they were, exclusively being released in one chain in Canada at least a month early, and with absolutely no official promotion. Of course, the first release taking place in Canada sparked indignation from the US collector crowd, to my amusement (we never get anything nice in Canada, but the second we get something a little earlier than the US it's a huuuge problem). Although I'm from Canada, I didn't benefit from the early release because I live over four hours' drive from the nearest Toys R Us. With gas and hotel prices the way that they currently are, and the volume of schoolwork I've had to deal with this year, I decided against making the trip.
I personally don't think that this release was on purpose- my theory is that the first Toys R Us store stocked them early by mistake, and the rest followed suit either out of confusion or in order to save face. Then, Basic Fun (the company that currently manages the Littlest Pet Shop brand) may have decided to present this as a "pre-release" in order to cover up the mistake. This is just my own speculation, of course.
Next, the official release was set in motion for early 2024, with Amazon pre-orders arriving and stores starting to stock the toys in January. Despite living in Canada, I managed to pre-order the first set of blind boxes on Amazon by changing the pre-order url from ".com" to ".ca". However, my blind boxes didn't end up arriving until early April. With the help of some nice online friends, I managed to get my hands on some of the other pets that were released in various stores that I don't have locally. I'm still working on my G7 collection, but I'm feeling optimistic.
In other news, I started playing Dogz 2 for the Game Boy Advance. It's a cute little pet-sim game where you play as a third grader who has to take care of their first-ever puppy. The sprite art is done really well in my opinion.
I played the first GBA Dogz game as a kid- this one seems nearly identical, except I think the selection of dogs is broader, and there are certain sprite colour differences. In fact, the layout of the house is exactly the same, only with different colours, and the main character is identical apart from her dress being yellow instead of the red of the first game. Gameplay is more or less the same too, from what I can remember. It was to the point that I thought that I had been mistaken and had really played Dogz 2 as a kid, not Dogz 1. I'll most likely try out the original Dogz and Catz again after I'm finished with this one so that I can compare them.
I chose a grey shiba inu, and named her Max, after my childhood dog. I took some photos:
The graphics in this game are adorable, but I could find very little information about it online, let alone any sprite rips for the dogs or characters; only the backgrounds and some menu screens are available as far as I can tell. This might lead to me learning how to sprite rip- I'd love to have copies of these sprites to use as website graphics, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who would like to see the full collection of possible puppy colours.
Moving on, I really haven't had as much time to read as I'd have liked. I'm way behind on my reading goal for this year, but I'm hoping that I'll have a chance to catch up over the summer during evenings and weekends. Currently, I'm looking for a new series or theme of books to keep me interested. I started reading The Silmarillion, but it's a big of a slog- almost like reading the Bible without all of the sex, debauchery, and insanity that make it interesting (lol). I do really want to re-read the Lord of the Rings series, so I figured that'd be a good start... but we'll see if I can finish it.
In this entry, it seems like I'm only talking about media that I've consumed, and that really goes to show how little I've done since October. One album that I've been enjoying has been Evanescence's Fallen- I listen to the CD in my car while driving to and from school, and sing along horribly. It's fun!
On the website side of things, I've added some new things here and there about my characters, updated my artwork page to include pieces from 2021 to present, and finally caved to add an external guestbook (I'd love to hear from you!).
I think that's all I have to write about for now. If I can think of any other worthwhile updates from the last few months, I'll put it in the next entry. Until next time!